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Season 1 Title Connections

Title connections on Season 1 of House, MD are listed below:

1-01: Pilot
It's the pilot for the series, and House pilots the team (and the audience) through the diagnostic/treatment process.

1-02: Paternity
Lots of connections on this one. The patient of the week (POTW)'s paternity is the key to his illness, or rather what his adoptive parents don't know about his medical history. Chase and Foreman joke about a paternity issue saying that the POTW's family all needs to be tested for Huntington's, just to give them justification to run a paternity test to try to win the bet with House. House runs the paternity test on the parent's coffee cups spurred on by his bets with everyone. Although a weak connection, House hints indirectly at paternity when berating the mother of a clinic patient for not having her child vaccinated, but then of course that gives him his "aha" moment, based on paternity. And the kicker is that the POTW determined his true paternity years before, but was ok with it.

1-03: Occam's Razor
The most obvious connection is the old med school reference, horses not zebras again, i.e. the simplest explanation is the best one following the principle of Occam's Razor, although this was argued in a rather specious manner with the creation of a baby story, i.e. delivered by a stork vs. being created by fluids exchanged between two people. After determining that the POTW's mother gave him his cough medicine after House proposed that it was the wrong medicine based on a pharmacy screw-up, House said they needed to page Dr. Occam, directly referencing the title.

1-04: Maternity
Again, numerous references to maternity, first starting the episode in the maternity ward, then moving to the OB-GYN doctor's lounge. The next reference was shutting down the maternity ward due to the outbreak of an unknown disease. The patients were infants, their mothers of course being central to the story. It was a nice touch to have a double mother in the lesbian couple who lost their baby to the disease. The clinic patient was a mother-to-be keeping with the maternity theme, who wanted House to be her doctor through the pregnancy, and although he declined that offer, he eventually took her up on it, not to help her, but for his own selfish gain, but still was still attached to the OB-GYN doctor's lounge, and stayed close to the maternity ward.

1-05: Damned If You Do
The title, is the first half of the phrase "damned if you do, damned if you don't" directly quoted by Chase, the seminary dropout. Indirectly, the whole episode centered around the theme given the POTW was a nun suffering from her earlier actions of pre marital sex and using birth control. Although it failed in it's primary purpose, it was the cause of her current illness showing she was still damned. Chase did some sole searching, again intimating the damned if you do theme, i.e. he was damned for failing his test of faith when he left the seminary. Cuddy effectively damned House by taking him off the case, but that of course allowed him to investigate and come up with the solution, and clear his name in the process.

1-06: The Socratic Method
The direct reference is in discussion with Wilson when House references Socrates "who gave us the Socratic method, the best way of teaching everything" (and one that is used extensively in the study of both medicine and law). The title connects to the POTW given she was assumed to be schizophrenic, like Socrates, even though it turned out later to not be schizophrenia, but rather Wilson's disease. The schizophrenia is what got House's attention. Indirectly, the Socratic Method is used during the differential diagnosis, but then it's used every episode.

1-07: Fidelity
Fidelity, or rather infidelity is the key to the diagnosis of African Trypanosomiasis (African Sleeping Sickness), in both the POTW, and the guy who infected her who was not her husband. Her husband couldn't handle her infidelity. The ever moral Cameron blasts the husband for his puritanical reaction, House more or less expected it. If the POTW had been faithful, she'd have avoided the whole illness.

1-08: Poison
Again, the title is the key to the diagnosis, the PsOTW (there were two this time), were poisoned, although the trip through the episode to identify the poison was rather twisted, including an aborted attempt to get a diagnosis out of the CDC.

1-09: DNR
DNR, do not resuscitate is the central theme to the episode. The POTW requested a DNR form, House ignored the DNR and resuscitated (and intubated) him when he stopped breathing. The episode continued with a right to die bent, based on the DNR order, even moving to the courtroom at one point, effectively staying the DNR order. A DNR implies resignation, giving up, but House never gives up, he's got to solve his puzzle.

1-10: Histories
The title points to the importance of histories, personal and medical. Convoluted histories for the POTW, the cameo patient interviewed by the medical students House was forced to teach, Foreman's personal history and his empathy for the POTW once he understood her history (after his initial hostility toward her), and even Wilson's family history come into play.

1-11: Detox
The title points to a bet that Cuddy has with House, that he will get a month off of clinic duty if he can last a week without Vicodin. House detoxes throughout the episode, and curiously enough, the POTW suffers from a toxin as well, Naphthalene poisoning.

1-12: Sports Medicine
The POTW is a major league baseball player, so House becomes a sports doctor in essence, the primary focus of the title reference. The usual suspect in sports medicine is rounded up, steroid use, and rejected as that's not the ultimate culprit, a different toxin is, cadmium poisoning. Another title reference is the doctor-doctor date, House and Cameron attending a monster truck rally together, a very loose sports/medicine juxtaposition.

1-13: Cursed
The primary title reference comes when the POTW believes he is cursed when he is stricken with an unidentified illness after being told he's going to die by some kids using an Ouija board. Chase says the kid really might be cursed when they find out that he has Anthrax, but then that's before they find out that he also has Hanson's Disease (Leprosy). The "cursed" aspect also follows the strained father-son relationships between Gabe and his dad, and Drs Chase.

1-14: Control
References to control stem from the POTW, a workaholic business exec who has to be in control of everything, her work environment, her body, her mind, and she loses control of all of those; Vogler, the new chairman of the board who wants to control every aspect of the hospital, and sees House as a threat to that control; and of course House himself, who needs control of his world.

1-15: Mob Rules
The title references the POTW and his brother as a mob boss and his lawyer brother who "rule" over House's treatment and notes (i.e. force House to keep the real cause and treatment off the books).

1-16: Heavy
The title is a direct reference to the POTW, an obese 10-year-old girl. Chase makes numerous negative remarks about the patient and obesity. Cameron, on the other hand, is very empathetic, pushing House to wonder, if she used to be heavy, or was it someone close to her. Some mysteries are not readily apparent. The title also references Vogler, a physically heavy guy, who plays the heavy in the hospital hierarchy continuing in his quest to rid the hospital of House.

1-17: Role Model
The POTW is the archetypical role model, the classic underdog striving to achieve in politics when he can't win, but also fighting for his life. House "believed in him" as Wilson pointed out. Cameron sees House as the perfect role model as well, acting on what is right, not just what he believes, so she takes up the gauntlet and becomes a role model herself, taking action where she can and leaving to allow the rest of the team to survive Vogler's rule.

1-18: Babies and Bathwater
The obvious connection is throwing the babies out with the bathwater, once with the clinic patient suffering from DiGeorge Syndrome, who would have been thrown out with the bathwater since she was assumed to be starved by her vegan parents, and House would have been thrown out with the bathwater had Cuddy not finally stood up to Vogler. Other references are more subtle, more baby references with the pregnant POTW doing everything she can to save her baby, even causing her own death (in esssence throwing herself out with the bathwater in that instance), and Foreman accusing House of throwing Cameron aside (i.e. out with the bathwater) because he wouldn't cave to Vogler's demands.

1-19: Kids
The title connections start with the episode centering around kids, i.e. the POTW is a 12-year-old kick-ass diver, a kid, who's attempting to impersonate an adult by engaging in adult activities, and suffering very adult consequences - a kid having a kid, or rather aborting a kid. The other obvious connection is Cameron, acting the kid here, still in the throws of puppy love and adoration of House, insisting that she'll only come back if he'll go on a date with her. Less obvious, House interviewing "kids" for the fellowship opening left by Cameron.

1-20: Love Hurts
The title first refers to the S&M connection for the POTW, who's involved in an S&M relationship that clearly hurts given he had broken his jaw in the past, and seems to enjoy pain, finds it stimulating. The S&M theme of love literally hurting continues with Chase, who it turns out was involved with someone in the past who liked to be hurt, and House saying that if he'd realized that Chase liked pain he wouldn't have "tortured" him in the last case. Finally, back to Cameron, who's love for House really does hurt, especially when House describes it away as her only caring for him because he's damamged.

1-21: Three Stories
The obvious connection of the title to the episode is the three stories that House cleverly weaves in his teaching of diagnostics. All three stories illustrate some very different causes and outcomes for a single complaint, leg pain. The stories intertwine, and we are finally brought into House's personal story as one of the three stories of leg pain becomes his story. But in that there are again three stories, first House's former love, Stacy, comes back asking for his help, which he refuses, next we flashback to their relationship when the injury to his leg occurred, and finally, we come back to the present when House agrees to take on Stacy's husband as his patient, three phases of House's story.

1-22: The Honeymoon
In essence, the title connection this time is two-fold. Stacy's relatively recently married, kind of in the honeymoon phase of her marriage, and their honeymoon (or actually lack of one) is key to the diagnosis of AIP, Acute Intermittant Porphyria, given Mark's false memories of their honeymoon. A stretch, but another connection relates to House, kind of pursuing a honeymoon phase with Stacy being back, but not being back together.

Last Updated: 18 January 2008


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