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First Season Episodes ::  #116 "Heavy"

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First Broadcast
Dr. House (Hugh Laurie) must make some tough decisions about his team of doctors in the HOUSE episode "Heavy" airing Tuesday, March 29 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. Also pictured: Jennifer Morrison.
Credit: Carin Baer/FOX.
March 29, 2005
Writer / Director
Thomas L Moran / Fred Gerber
The patient
A 10 year old overweight girl, Jessica, who has a heart attack.
How House gets involved
Referral from another doctor which House accepts when told the heart attack patient is 10 years old.
The mis-diagnoses
Metabolic Syndrome X (Insulin resistance) then when the test for that causes psychosis, they decide Jessica has a blood clot caused by previous treatments for obesity. They treat with heparin and warfarin and gets what House thinks is Warfarin-induced skin necrosis which he blames on a mistake on Cameron's part.
The privacy invasion / major ethical breach
The final diagnosis
Cushing's: they look for what could be causing hypercortisolism and find a tumor. Removal of the tumor not only elminiates the Cushing's but allow Jessica to grow taller and lose weight.
The clinic patient(s)
Guy with an infected pierced scrotum (who we hardly see). And a woman (who House at first concludes is pregnant) with a 30 pound benign tumor on her ovary — which she refuses to have removed until House convinces her that "men are pigs".

Music at the end: "Got to Be More Careful" by Jon Cleary on his "Pin Your Spin" album

Pin Your Spin is also available from Amazon UK
Additional information on this episode:

Quotations, etc. Copyright Heel & Toe Productions, Bad Hat Harry Productions, et al.
Pictures from the show copyright Fox Broadcasting Corporation
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