- This site is growing so fast that we thought we would recommend parts of it here that might be missed. This will change as we add new items but we will always try to keep it short,
- T-Shirt
See the t-shirt of House vs God.
- We have blogs and extra sections of the site.
In addition to the following blogs, we now have a section of the site about when House takes his vicodin and other such minutia.
Going live on January 16, 2008: House, MD's Title Connections: Where are the House, MD titles headed, what they refer to in the episodes, how they relate to the staff and patients of PPTH, and perhaps how they link the themes and characters to the outside world.
Going live on August 26, 2007: Performance Reviews - Which of the team made the final diagnosis and who added to it with their suggestions or discoveries along the way.
Going live on August 15, 2007: Thanks for Playing: The Lighter Side of House
Going live on April 8, 2007: Pattern of Habits: A Look at House's Addiction to Vicodin and Baubles
January 4, 2007: The Diagnositc Team
December 11, 2006: What's in a Name: Shows and Sick People - about the Titles and the Patients
October 29, 2006: Inside the Writers' Heads
Going live on October 15, 2006: Differential Diagnosis: A Medical Guide to House
On May 15, 2006 The Meanings of Titles, Diagnoses, Patients
and also on May 15: The Clinic Patients and how they relate
and on the same date: The non-medical Facts, Theories, Ideas, and Thinkers that House discusses
Went live on April 14, 2006 House MD
Beyond the Script: The music and what it means and the various meanings of the titles of the episodes.
Going live on April 5, 2006 is Doctor James Wilson: A closer look at the charming Dr Wilson; cook, "boy wonder oncologist" and serial womaniser...?
The sixth blog is Medical Investigation: Analyzing House Through The Media Lens
The fifth one is on "House and Holmes".
The fourth one is up: Information on the New Jersey locations and references.
The third one is up: The Character of Dr. Cameron which asks, does this team of writers have particular trouble making Cameron consistent?
The first blog up evaluates the references to "General Hospital" through the episodes.
- Music during the first half of Season Two - We have just been putting information on the pages on the episodes where the music played. But people are constantly searching for music in general so we now have this page of just Second Season music.
- Speaking of music, we now have an analysis of how the opera House was listening to in "Autopsy" relates to the episode/story in "Autopsy".
The First Season DVD came out August 30, 2005.
- We now have pages started for the Second Season episodes. These pages will contain NO spoiler information until after the episode first airs on Fox. They will contain casting information, planned music choices, and official descriptions from Fox, TV Guide, etc. until the show has aired. The Season Two pages will also link to spoilers available on the episode for those who want that information.
- House Rules: The Sayings, Rules, Proverbs, Philosophy, Quotes of Gregory House (these are the general ones that are more like proverbs, there are more quotes under pages on the characters, relationships, etc.)
- See the artwork by Suzan Lovett on the House and Holmes theme.
- Information on the premise and creation of the show through quotations from David Shore, the creator.
- House M.D. FAQ: New to House? New to this Site? Have Questions? Our FAQ Page is the place to start. If this doesn't answer your questions, email us (email address in the footer).
- Want quotes from a particular episode? Find out the number from the episode page and then search for that number as all the quotes on the site should be followed by the number of the episode they are from. We did feel that quotes about characters should go on the chaacter pages, etc.