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First Season Episodes ::  #105 "Damned If You Do"

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First Broadcast
Dr. Gregory House (Hugh Laurie) in the episode "Damned If You Do" which originally aired Tuesday, Dec. 14 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX.
Credit: Scott Humbert/FOX.
December 14, 2004
Writer / Director
Sara B. Cooper / Greg Yaitanes
The patient
A nun with what looks like stigmata.
How House gets involved
During clinic duty, he finds her and two other sisters as he enters the exam room
The mis-diagnoses
First off House says it is allergy to dish soap and gives her an antihistamine. She reacts badly and House says she is having an asthma attack for which he gives her a shot of epinephrine and she goes into cardiac arrest. Everyone else thinks House gave her too much, House thinks it is Church-Strauss. Cuddy takes the case away from House.
The privacy invasion / major ethical breach
House demands the truth from the Mother Superior.
The final diagnosis
A severe long-term allergic reaction to a copper IUD she had forgotten she had.
The clinic patient(s)
Santa with an inflammatory bowel (for which House prescribes cigarettes)
For information on this episode:

Quotations, etc. Copyright Heel & Toe Productions, Bad Hat Harry Productions, et al.
Pictures from the show copyright Fox Broadcasting Corporation
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