Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Obvious and the Not So Obvious

I noticed one obvious Holmes reference in "Who's Your Daddy?"......which, in my opinion was a GREAT episode. The cast and crew are reaching a happy level and WYD showed real mastery and confidence on every level. It was like the calm before the storm of the finale. Way to go!

And I think I noticed a more subtle hint at The Great Detective's methods.

The obvious Holmes reference has already been mentioned here....that Holmes used a 7% solution of cocaine to fight the boredom between cases. In the WYD teaser, House is in tremendous pain and pulls out his morphine stash. Just as he's about to shoot up, Cuddy calls with Leona's strange case. He stops the injection and gets moving to the hospital.

Differences: Holmes used cocaine for boredom. House was clearly in pain and was using the morphine (upping the dosage from just Vicodin to a stronger cocktail) but he didn't have a case, either.

Similarities: The minute he got a case, he put the morphine away and got to work. Damn the agony; full speed ahead!

No matter what, he's still an addict and uses drugs to numb pain. In Holmes' case, it was boredom. In House's, it's boredom AND pain.

The bit that I'm not sure is that obvious or, frankly, even right is House's pacing. House uses pacing to take his mind off the pain.....but something in my mind recalls that Holmes paced as well.

To be clear, I'm writing it here, to remind myself to look it up.

I'm not sure I'm right but something is niggling at the back of my brain about it.

I also must look up and see if Holmes ever solved a case.....not based on the victim in his study... but based on a third party's music skills. Wouldn't surprise me.

Next week? The Napoleon of Crime. O_O


Luther of Arabia said...

I finished rereading the entire collection of Sherlock Holmes stories recently(I'm a deployed National Guardsman; I have that sort of time). It is well known that "The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes" is far darker than the early stories, with deep gothic undertones probably drawing from the fact they were written in the disillusioned 1918-1920's postwar period. In addition, Holmes is rather a darker character himself. I see more of a resemblance between House and Sherlock Holmes in these later stories than I do the early tales. Much like House does at the beginning of most episodes, rather than cocaine use being something in the background, almost EVERYONE of these stories starts off with a mention of Holmes cocaine use. In addition, I find Holmes much more ready to use force and violate the law in these later stories.

12:59 PM  
Cap said...

What marvelous insights! :-)

Thank you for pointing that out!

That really is lovely. It's subtle. I wonder if Shore & Co. thought about that or if, as Holmes drove Doyle, House is driving Shore that direction instinctively?

What do you think?

And, I find I agree. I'm just wrapping up some Stephen Fry novels and then....back to Holmes.

PS: I'm 22 years Air National Guard. Just retired 2 years ago. You keep your head down and keep posting! (Mr. C is a reservist and just got released from the Active Duty back to part time.)

10:36 AM  
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9:25 PM  
Khlara said...

Wanted to mention that in "The Sign of Four" Watson asks Holmes, "Which is it today, morphine or cocaine?" and while a majority of the time Holmes is noted as doing cocaine, he must've taken morphine on occasion to warrant Watson's question.
Also, this is an amazing blog. I'm really enjoying reading it.

1:16 PM  

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