Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I'm Positively "Euphor"ic!

Two TWO Holmes references in Episode One of "Euphoria"! Huzzah!
Someone's been reading "A Study in Scartlet", methinks.

First, a friend of mine noticed that in ASiS, Holmes had been busy beating corpses to study the post mortem bruising effects. Here is the interchange between Watson and Stamford (the man who introduced Watson to Holmes.)

***"It is not easy to express the inexpressible," he answered with a laugh. "Holmes is a little too scientific for my tastes -- it approaches to cold-bloodedness. I could imagine his giving a friend a little pinch of the latest vegetable alkaloid, not out of malevolence, you understand, but simply out of a spirit of inquiry in order to have an accurate idea of the effects. To do him justice, I think that he would take it himself with the same readiness. He appears to have a passion for definite and exact knowledge."

"Very right too."

"Yes, but it may be pushed to excess. When it comes to beating the subjects in the dissecting-rooms with a stick, it is certainly taking rather a bizarre shape."
"Beating the subjects!"

"Yes, to verify how far bruises may be produced after death. I saw him at it with my own eyes." ***

House, in his briliance, elects to shoot a corpse to MRI the effects of the bullet to the brain of the PoTW cop.

Credit for this catch goes to:

Second, as Watson gets to know his new roommate better, he formulates a list of what Holmes is good at and what he isn't. One talent is a game called "singlestick"...which involves a sort of fencing with a wooden baton. In "Euphoria", House had a new trick with his cane....he used the crook to toss the BOUO at the a sort of singlestick fashion.

Nota bene: Singlestick was famously taught in the 18th Century at Cambrige University....Laurie's alma mater.


Mycroft said...

I haven't read up on holmes in awhile but I believe he would shoot pillows indoors to test the bullets (this was what I was thinking when House was shooting the corpse)

7:05 PM  
Mycroft said...

I haven't read up on holmes in awhile but I believe he would shoot pillows indoors to test the bullets (this was what I was thinking when House was shooting the corpse)

7:05 PM  
Cap said...

For some reason these posts didn't make it to but I'll check that!

And while I'm doing my homework, I'll look into Holmes' experience with guns.

May it come in handy that I'm an expert with a 9mm?


11:35 PM  
Ivy said...

From your spoiler page:

"April 25, 2006: Spoiler Fix has this:
"04/25 - Episode 2.24 - No Reason (Season finale) [Airing May 23]: As House and his team are working on the diagnosis of Vince, a man with a giant, swollen tongue, disgruntled former patient Jack Moriarty (guest star Elias Koteas) walks into House's office and shoots him. House continues to treat Vince from his ICU hospital bed with Moriarty, shot by hospital security and hand-cuffed to his bed, as his roommate. [...]"

Professor Moriarty is Holmes's nemesis. His weapon of choice was an air-rifle.

8:13 PM  

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