Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Miss Me?

Well, Holmesians! It's been quite a while!

Check this article out! http://www.canada.com/nationalpost/news/artslife/story.html?id=1c0836b9-4a9a-4e7f-97fb-d95388107b57&k=39854

Now it would be a really cool and amusing idea to put Laurie in a deerstalker cap while smoking a Merschaum pipe. I bet in the hands of David Shore and Katie Jacobs it would be a hoot!


Blogger Moriarty said...

Here's a comment for you: How about learning to spell meerschaum before you use it in a blog?

12:38 AM  
Blogger Cap said...

Oh, now. Meerschaum is such a difficult word to spell without a spellchecker....

Tsk. Tsk.

Bad moi.

12:15 PM  
Blogger Nihil said...

"Holmes quickly perceives the identity of the villain and spends most of the story weaving a web into which he draws the malefactor. You could say that if Holmes were a doctor, he would spend far more time on treatment than on diagnosis."
This quality of House resembles more to that of Hercule Poirot. Unlike Holmes, Poirot spends most of the time in guessing the murderer and most of the stories end with the murderer's identity disclosed and Poirot hardly spends time in building any traps.

1:11 AM  

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