Blogs & Answers ::  Cameron's Issues
     Does this team of writers have particular trouble making Cameron consistent?

Monday, August 21, 2006

Cameron in Season Three

For all of us who read everything that's available for next season's episodes, the buzz seems to be about House and Cameron. The discussion has focused on Cameron's attraction to House and the circumstances for which she pines. Could it be that she is really only drawn to men who have something wrong with them or will she still want House for the short time he has complete function of his leg. Who knows, but lets examine Cameron's naive faith that House is a good person.

Did anyone else find it strange how she was upset season one episode one that he may have hired her because she was good looking? Another way to examine that question could be that wasn't it strange that he was hung up on hiring her because he thought she was damaged. This mutual attraction could stem from his need to have someone as screwed up as he is as well as her need to have someone that needs her (hence the dead husband). So in reality, viewers, writers and critics alike all harp on her incessant need to help him when he likes the fact that she's screwed up as well. So will this seasons downward spiral open up the world of Cameron so that we finally understand why she likes House or will it make us more unsure of who needs who more.

Back to the point, it appears that the inconsistencies of Cameron can be equated to this first episode, because suddenly out of now where her infatuation appears. I mean, those of us paying attention, knew that nothing serious could ever happen between her and Chase because lets accept it, he's a big kid. He whines and complains and basically copies off the person sitting next to him. Yes, we saw some signs of life on and off, but what it boils down to is he has no empathy for his patients (and yes, while I accept that neither does House, House is a far superior physician than Chase will ever be). Chase was a distraction when House wasn't available (Stacy still hadn't disappeared yet). So while we wait for Allison Cameron to be as assertive with House as she was with Chase, we must sit back and wait. Yet, last season's finale might be the lead up so many of us have been waiting for, could it be that House is finally (FINALLY) going to make a move and more importantly will Cameron let it happen. So this season, we will just have to watch and see.


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